If we need to perform numeric operations on substrings, we need to use the LEFT, FIND and MID functions in Microsoft Excel 2010.
FIND:This function returns the location number of the character at which a specific character or text string is first found, reading left to right (not case-sensitive).
Syntax of “FIND” function: =FIND (find_text,within_text,[start_num])
Example:Cell A1contains the text “Broncho Billy Anderson”
=FIND ("Billy", A1, 1), function will return 9
LEFT: Returns the specified number of characters starting from the left-most charcter in the string.
Syntax of “LEFT” function: =LEFT (text,[num_chars])
Example:Cell A1contains the text “Broncho Billy Anderson”
=LEFT (A1, 7), function will return “Broncho”
MID:Returns a specific number of character(s) from a text string, starting at the position specified based on the number of characters specified.
Syntax of “MID” function: =MID (text,start_num,num_chars)
Example:Cell A2 contains the text “Broncho Billy Anderson”
=MID (A1, 8, 7), function will return “Billy”
Let’s take an example to understand how we can perform numeric operations on substrings.
Example 1: We have a list in column A. Weneed to perform some numeric operations on this list.
Follow the below given steps:-
This is how we can perform numeric operations on substrings in Microsoft Excel 2010.
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