Some handy Personal Macros: Return Column Letter for column number.

This is good if you like to use statements like Range("A1") instead of cells(1,1).

So, for example ColLetter(1) = A, ColLetter(2) = b, ... , ColLetter(100) = CV, etc.

3) ColLetter(column number) => passes back column Letter.


Public Function ColLetter(colNumber As Long) As String

If colNumber < 27 Then
If colNumber = 0 Then
ColLetter = "Z"
End If
If colNumber < 26 ^ 2 + 27 Then
ColLetter = Mid("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", FLOOR(colNumber / 26), 1)
ColLetter = ColLetter & ColLetter(colNumber Mod 26)
ColLetter = Mid("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", FLOOR((colNumber - 26) / 676), 1)
ColLetter = ColLetter & ColLetter(colNumber - FLOOR((colNumber - 26) / 676) * 676)
End If
End If

End Function


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