Ok! This one is important.
Any good VBA procedure always has this line mentioned at the beginning.
And before the end of the procedure you will see this line too.
What is ScreenUpdating?
Screenupdating is the property of application objects in VBA. It can be set to TRUE or FALSE. It is like a switch, that can be turned On or Off.
And What Does it Do?
The first line speed ups the macro processing by stopping real time screen updating of Excel.
If you have a long macro that writes into different sheets, applies filters, removes filters, changes sheets, saves workbooks, etc. And if you haven't turned off screen updates using the line Application.Screenupdating=FALSE, then you will see the flickering on screen. Each and every change done by macro in the workbook will be shown dynamically. This slows down the macro speed.
And If you have this line at the beginning of macro, excel will not reflect changes done by macro until screenupdating is turned on using the line Application.Screenupdating=TRUE.
If you want to speed up your macro, disable the screen update at the beginning of subroutine and enable the screen update before the end of subroutine.
Here's one Example:
Sub Screencheck() Application.Screenupdating=FALSE 'Disabling the screen updating. Sheet1.Activate Range("A1").value ="Hi" Range("A2").value ="How are you?" Range("A3").value ="Exceltip is amazing, isn't it?" Sheet2.Activate Application.Screenupdating= TRUE 'Enabling the screen updating. End Sub
When you run the above sub you will not see any screen flickering. You will see the final result of work done by this macro.
Important Notes:
Make sure that you enable the screen update before your procedure ends. If you don't enable the screen update, you will not be able to see the work done by the macro.
Unable screen updating before every Exit Sub and End Sub command. It is common to forget enabling screen updates before Exit Sub. If you don't do this, you may keep wondering why your code didn't work. But in reality, it did. You just can't see it.
That's it. This is what Application.Screenupdating = False does in VBA. This one line of code changes a lot. It is the difference between mature programming and careless programming. If you want to speed up your macro, always use this line in your code.
I hope this was helpful to you. If you have any doubts regarding this article or have any other Excel/VBA related questions, feel free to ask in the comments section below. I'll be happy to help.
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