The Excel MINIFS function is a new function, introduced in Excel 365 and 2019. This function returns the minimum value from a given range.
In this article, we will learn how to use the MINIFS function in Excel.
Syntax of MINIFS Function
Min_range1: It is the numeric range that contains the minimum value.
Criteria_range1: It is the criteria range that you want to filter before getting the minimum value.
Criteria1: It is the criteria or the filter that you want to put on criteria_range before getting the minimum value.
You can have multiple pairs of criteria_range and criteria.
Let’s understand the MINIFS function with an example.
Example of MINIFS Function
So, here I have a table of some data. The first column contains the numeric values. Second column contains the Region and the third column has the department.
The task is to tell the min value from the first range for each region.
The formula for getting maximum value from "East" region will be:
It will return 29.
Here we have given hardcoded criteria, but we can also give reference of the criteria to make it dynamic.
Here we have used absolute ranges to lock the min_range and criteria_range.
You can put more than 1 criteria in MINIFS function. For example, if I want to get minumum value from IT department of SOUTH region then the formula will be:
This will return 36 as per above data. If we put "Accounts" in place of IT, the MINIFS will return 82.
So yeah guys, this was a small introduction to the MINIFS function of Excel 365 and 2019. I hope it was helpful. If you have any doubts regarding this article or any other excel topic, ask in the comments section below.
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