To filter a List using more than one criteria, use the Advanced Filter: 1. Insert three new rows above the List. 2. Copy the heading row List, and...
To color filtered List according to a criteria: 1. Filter the List according to any criteria. 2. Select a cell in filtered area, press Ctrl+Shift+...
To total the values in the visible filtered rows, use the SUBTOTAL function: 1. Filter the List by selecting any criteria. 2. Select a cell in the...
When filtering the List, Filter recognizes the type of data in each field: such as text, date or a numeric number. The sub-menu filters is changed...
To sort a List: This option enables to sort from the Filter dropdown list identical to the Sort A to Z/Sort Z to A or Sort by Color). ...
In this article, we will learn The advanced Filter ribbon in Excel. Sort and Filter in Excel Filter option in excel hides the unwanted rows ...
If you have a range of values which contain duplicates, we have an interesting way of filtering for these duplicate values. This is one of the ways of...
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