Calculate Minutes Between Date & Time In Microsoft Excel


While working with time and dates in excel, you frequently get the need to calculate hours, minutes and seconds between two timestamps.

Well, in excel 2016 calculating the time difference is quite easy. You just need to subtract the start time from the end time.

Let’s Do It With An Example

You are assigned five tasks. You enter the start time of a task whenever you start it.


In the next column, you have the NOW() function of Excel running, which provides the current date and time as of today. The NOW() function is useful for tracking elapsed time dynamically. It can also be combined with other date and time functions like DATEDIF or custom calculations for precise results.

In the next column, you want to calculate the minutes passed since you started that task, as shown in the above image.

The Generic Formula to calculate the minutes between two times is:


This formula works by subtracting the start time from the end time to calculate the time difference, then multiplying the result by 1440 to convert days into minutes, since a day contains 1440 (24 × 60) minutes.

For example, if you want to calculate how much time has elapsed, you can use the formula:



So, we cleared our doubts about how to calculate time in excel 2016. This can be done in all versions of Excel including excel 2013, Excel 2010, Excel 2007, and even older versions

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  1. I have a spreadsheet at work where time worked is simply entered as text for each day. I am trying to take the text and calculate a weekly total for number of hours worked but keep running into errors. It looks like this:

    Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Total

    Jane Doe 5-8 5-8 5-8

    In the total column, I want it to do the math for each day (5-8 is three hours per day) so the total would be 9.

    I realize the simplest way would be for start and end times to be in different columns and then it is an easy formula, but they want to keep it as is. Can anyone point out what I am not thinking of?


  2. i am looking for the elegant way to calculate night and day power consumption. the problem is that night tariff is calculated from 23:00 to 7:00, and counter indications are not taken daily.
    26 October, 13:06
    28 October, 11:26
    4 November, 17:46
    how to calculate the time (hours and minutes) that can be attributed to the night/day time?

  3. "Hi Diane,

    I just tried it, and it works perfectly for me in Excel 97 and Excel 2000.

    You do not indicate *why* or *how* it doesn't work, but I would gues the most likely cause it that either your dates or times do not meet the criteria I outlined above.

    If you clean up the two 'input' columns first, does it then work?

    JEFF Posted on: 31-12-1969

  4. "Thank you, Alan, however the tip you shared did not yield the desired outcome.

    A B C
    1 4/11/2003 07:46
    2 4/11/2003 07:46 4/11/03 7:46

    I have data as seen in line one, and can not find a formula or method to combine the date & time into ONE column without losing data. In line two here, I show my desired product. End goal is to determine time intervals between different DATES AND TIMES. TQM to the max! desperate!! Anybody???"

  5. "Hi Diane,

    Assuming that your two columns (date and time) are already 'clean' and are in A1:B4 then you can just add them together:

    C1 = A1 + B1

    However, for this to work, your dates need to be exact dates, not dates with times (in other words the date values are integers), and the times need to be pure times, with no date element (in other words, the time values need to be greater than or equal to zero, and less than 1).



  6. Need to combine date into one column so that other calculation formulas can handle them for subtraction from other dates & times to yield hours and minutes between two dates. Help---diane

  7. "Hi Tom,

    If you have the time spent in column A, and the units in column B as follows (A1:B4):

    1:48 50000
    3:06 85000
    4:42 113000
    0:35 17000

    I am assuming that the times are entered as times (not as text for example).

    Then you can calculate the average units per day (being 24 hours) as follows in column C:


    You may have to format the answer to General (for example) since it will probably auto-format as a time.

    In this example, C1 = 666666.666... units per day (24 hours).

    If you want it per hour, then divide by 24.

    If you want it per minute then divide by 1440 (24*60).

    Just watch your units and you should be fine.


  8. "I don't see the [m] format in my custom formats.
    I am still finding it difficult to establish an hourly rate formula when an operator works (for example) 1:48 and produces 50,000 units. I can tell the system to add 60 + 48 to get 108 minutes and then procede, but how can we calculate if there are 3, 4 or 0 hours plus minutes possible? (IE: 3:06 / 4:42 / 0.35)"

  9. "Anyone know the formula in excel for calculating Hrs between start time and end time to come up with hours worked less 30 minutes for lunch and have the results for each employee you add total up in one cel?
    Employee #1 Start Time in B8=9:00 A.M End Time =5:30 P.M. This should = in B7 8 hrs.
    Employee #2 Start Time in B9=9:00 A.M End Time =5:30 P.M. This should = in B7 16 hrs.
    Employee #3 Start Time in B10=9:00 A.M End Time =5:30 P.M. This should = in B7 24 hrs.
    And so on, as I have 35 employees.
    Would appreciate your help! Thanks"

  10. "Anyone know the formula for calculating Hrs between start tme and end time to come up with hours worked less 30 minutes for lunch?
    ie, Start Time =9:00 A.M End Time =5:30 P.M. This should = 8 hrs.
    Would appreciate your help! Thanks"

  11. "Hi Damien,

    First thing I would check is your units.

    Are you recording the time in standard Excel units (being days = 24 hours)?

    If not, then when you try to add them togather you may get odd results.

    Note that you can format the cells to *show* your time in hours - that is a separate issue from what the cells contain though.

    That does not mean you cannot use hours or any other units you like, but if you do, you need to be very careful throughout your calculations.


  12. I have done a daily time sheet in excel, now when I try to total the Total worked hours for a month, it just does not seem to work.. can u help

  13. "Hi Craig,

    I will assume that you mean that the columns contain date / time values to two decimal places.

    If so, subtract one from the other, and this will give you the time difference in days (Excel's native unit of time).

    You can then format the rsult to display this answer in minutes by using a custom number format such as:

    [m]"" mins""

    This will *display* the answer in minutes.

    Hope that helps,


  14. I have 2 columns with a start time and finish time. However, the columns are both in 'number' format (to 2 decimal places). How can I calculate the time difference in minutes? Can anyone help me ?

  15. "Hi Diane,

    I just tried it, and it works perfectly for me in Excel 97 and Excel 2000.

    You do not indicate *why* or *how* it doesn't work, but I would gues the most likely cause it that either your dates or times do not meet the criteria I outlined above.

    If you clean up the two 'input' columns first, does it then work?

    JEFF Posted on: 31-12-1969

  16. "Thank you, Alan, however the tip you shared did not yield the desired outcome.

    A B C
    1 4/11/2003 07:46
    2 4/11/2003 07:46 4/11/03 7:46

    I have data as seen in line one, and can not find a formula or method to combine the date & time into ONE column without losing data. In line two here, I show my desired product. End goal is to determine time intervals between different DATES AND TIMES. TQM to the max! desperate!! Anybody???"

  17. "Hi Diane,

    Assuming that your two columns (date and time) are already 'clean' and are in A1:B4 then you can just add them together:

    C1 = A1 + B1

    However, for this to work, your dates need to be exact dates, not dates with times (in other words the date values are integers), and the times need to be pure times, with no date element (in other words, the time values need to be greater than or equal to zero, and less than 1).



  18. Need to combine date into one column so that other calculation formulas can handle them for subtraction from other dates & times to yield hours and minutes between two dates. Help---diane

  19. "Hi Tom,

    If you have the time spent in column A, and the units in column B as follows (A1:B4):

    1:48 50000
    3:06 85000
    4:42 113000
    0:35 17000

    I am assuming that the times are entered as times (not as text for example).

    Then you can calculate the average units per day (being 24 hours) as follows in column C:


    You may have to format the answer to General (for example) since it will probably auto-format as a time.

    In this example, C1 = 666666.666... units per day (24 hours).

    If you want it per hour, then divide by 24.

    If you want it per minute then divide by 1440 (24*60).

    Just watch your units and you should be fine.

    Alan. "

  20. "I don't see the [m] format in my custom formats.
    I am still finding it difficult to establish an hourly rate formula when an operator works (for example) 1:48 and produces 50,000 units. I can tell the system to add 60 + 48 to get 108 minutes and then procede, but how can we calculate if there are 3, 4 or 0 hours plus minutes possible? (IE: 3:06 / 4:42 / 0.35)"

  21. "Anyone know the formula in excel for calculating Hrs between start time and end time to come up with hours worked less 30 minutes for lunch and have the results for each employee you add total up in one cel?
    Employee #1 Start Time in B8=9:00 A.M End Time =5:30 P.M. This should = in B7 8 hrs.
    Employee #2 Start Time in B9=9:00 A.M End Time =5:30 P.M. This should = in B7 16 hrs.
    Employee #3 Start Time in B10=9:00 A.M End Time =5:30 P.M. This should = in B7 24 hrs.
    And so on, as I have 35 employees.
    Would appreciate your help! Thanks"

  22. "Anyone know the formula for calculating Hrs between start tme and end time to come up with hours worked less 30 minutes for lunch?
    ie, Start Time =9:00 A.M End Time =5:30 P.M. This should = 8 hrs.
    Would appreciate your help! Thanks"

  23. "Hi Damien,

    First thing I would check is your units.

    Are you recording the time in standard Excel units (being days = 24 hours)?

    If not, then when you try to add them togather you may get odd results.

    Note that you can format the cells to *show* your time in hours - that is a separate issue from what the cells contain though.

    That does not mean you cannot use hours or any other units you like, but if you do, you need to be very careful throughout your calculations.


  24. I have done a daily time sheet in excel, now when I try to total the Total worked hours for a month, it just does not seem to work.. can u help

  25. "Hi Craig,

    I will assume that you mean that the columns contain date / time values to two decimal places.

    If so, subtract one from the other, and this will give you the time difference in days (Excel's native unit of time).

    You can then format the rsult to display this answer in minutes by using a custom number format such as:

    [m]"" mins""

    This will *display* the answer in minutes.

    Hope that helps,


  26. I have 2 columns with a start time and finish time. However, the columns are both in 'number' format (to 2 decimal places). How can I calculate the time difference in minutes? Can anyone help me ?

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