In Microsoft Excel we can use data validation to prevent duplicity as & when we enter data. This article will help you stop duplicates appearing in one or multiple columns in the Excel sheet. So you can have only unique data in the 1st column of your table.
Data Validation is a very useful feature in Excel, you can use it to create drop down list in a cell and limit the values user can enter. But sometimes you may want to prevent users from entering duplicate values in a range of worksheet.
The following example shows how to use data validation to prevent users from entering duplicate values in range A2:A10
Let us add few Invoice Numbers in column A to test the above steps.
Formula explanation: COUNTIF function has two arguments (range & criteria)
Conclusion: In this way we can restrict user from entering duplicate items in a certain range.
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I would like to solve the following condition.
While entering the value to each cell in perticular column, I want to make sure that the new entry is not duplicate and if it is duplicate, then error message should pop up. How can I solve this problem?