How to Sort in Ascending and Descending Order While Using Auto Filter in Microsoft Excel

In this article, we will learn how to sort in Excel.
Sorting is any process of arranging items systematically in Microsoft Excel and has two common, yet distinct meanings:

  1. Ordering: organizing items in a sequence ordered by some criterion like A to Z or vice versa and smallest to largest value or vice versa.
  2. Categorizing: grouping items with similar properties like sorting on the basis of colour or value criteria.

In Microsoft Excel, we can sort the data by using the AutoFilter sort’s data according to specific sort order rules.

Let’s understand how to sort data in excel with an example

pasted image 0 (5)

Here we have two columns Item and Units.
We need to sort or filter Item and units. So we will select these two cells A1 and B1.

Click Home > Sort & Filter > Filter or use shortcut keys Ctrl+ Shift + L.

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Now you will see a table like this

pasted image 0 (7)

First, we will sort the column in ascending order i.e. from smallest to largest.

pasted image 0 (8)

Select smallest to largest and you will have the excel sort table.

pasted image 0 (9)

As you can see, the unit column is sorted in A to Z, i.e. ascending order.

Now we will sort the item column in descending order, i.e. from Z to A while keeping the prior changes.

unnamed (3)

Select Sort Z to A and click OK.

pasted image 0 (10)

As you can see the table is in a sorted manner. Sorting helps the user to view the data in excel 2016, 2013 and 2010. Explore more articles on sorting and filtering here.
Hope you understand the Sort & Filter option. Please state your queries for Sort & Filter. We will help you.

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