Get the COUNTIFS with Dynamic Criteria Range in Excel

We know that COUNTIFS function in Excel can count on multiple criterias. It takes arguments as couple of criteria range and criteria. We can change ...

How to Count Cells In A Range in Excel

Earlier, we learned about how to count cells with numbers, count cells with text, count blank cells and count cells with specific criterias. In this a...

How to Count cells if less than value in Excel

In this article, we will learn about how to count cells if value is less than a particular values using COUNTIF in Excel. In simple words, while wo...

How to Count Days in Month in Excel

Well, this is one can be done manually but when you work on excel you want automation as much as possible. In that case, for getting days in given m...

How to Count Occurrences of a Word in an Excel Range in Excel

We have already learnt how to count cells that contain a specific text using COUNTIF function. In this article, we will learn how to count how many ti...

How to Count Positive Values Only in Excel Range in Excel

What is a positive number? I know that you know, but still. Any value/number greater than 0 is a positive number. Numbers equal to 0 or greater t...

How to Count Characters in a Cell in Excel

If we can count the total number of characters in a cell using LEN, we can also count specific characters in a cell. We just need a helping hand. And ...

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