Counting Unique Numeric Values or Unique Data in a List in Microsoft Excel

In this article, we will learn how to count the unique numeric values or unique data in a list. We can use two types of combinations of formulas in Mi...

How to count values that appear only once in list in Excel

In this article, we will learn How to count values that appear only once in a list in Excel. Scenario: Sometimes when working with a long li...

Counting the Number of Times a Specified Substring Appears within a Range of Strings

Problem: Counting the total number of times each of the substrings listed in column B appears within any of the strings in column A. Solution: ...

Counting Rows of Even Numbers in Two Parallel Ranges

In this article, we are going to learn how to count rows of even numbers in two parallel ranges in Microsoft Excel. To solve this problem, we will us...

Counting the Number of Players According to Their Score in a Particular Quarter

Problem: Finding the number of players (column A) who scored over 3 points (column C) in the first quarter (column B). Solution: Use the SUMP...

Count of uniques among duplicates

If you have a sheet containing duplicate numbers and you want the count of unique numbers, try this formula = =SUM(SIGN(FREQUENCY(A1:A7,A1:A7))) ...

Changing the Standard Font

Apart from the standard font style and font size in Microsoft Excel, there are various font style and different font size available. In this article, ...

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