Avoiding Errors when Using the And Function to Combine Multiple Conditions in Array Formulas

Problem: The following Array formula was designed to calculate the average difference between each pair of values in columns A & B (providing b...

Calculating Hourly Productivity

Problem: Column B contains time values representing the hours worked by each salesperson in column A. Column C shows the number of items each sale...

Counting Vacation or Sick Days within a Specified Time Period

Problem: Listed in column A are dates when an employee was absent. Column B contains a letter, indicating the type of each absence (V for vacation...

Counting the Number of Shifts in a Specified Week that an Employee Worked Overtime

Problem: Each row in columns A & B represents a shift worked during the first week of the year. Column A identifies an employee, and column B ...

Calculating Daily Pay, Incorporating Variable Hourly Rates

Problem: Columns B & C contain the times signed in and out of work for each date in column A. Column D contains the following formula, which c...

Calculating Total Pay, Based on Hours Worked Per Day and Hourly Rates

Problem: Listed in columns A & B are the times an employee signed in and out of work each day. Column C contains the rate per hour for that pa...

Calculating the Number of Hours Worked Based on a System of Letter Codes

Problem: Column B contains a list of letters which are codes for the hours worked on each of the days listed in column A. "N" indicates a 9 hour d...

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