While working on importing data from the internet or softwares like ACCESS, SQL, etc, there could be a need to update the text to proper case. Exce...
If we need to perform numeric operations on substrings, we need to use the LEFT, FIND and MID functions in Microsoft Excel 2010. FIND:This function...
Are you wondering if there is a way to force a LEFT function to recognize a number? Let see how we use Left function in Excel? The LEFTÂ function tr...
In this article we will learn how to subdivide a mixed string into separate cells which contain only numbers or characters,we can use the "TRIM", "LEF...
In this article, we will learn how to search a substring from a given string in Excel. In excel, substring is a part of another string. It can be a...
To search a string for a matching word from another string, we use the "IF", "ISNUMBER", "FIND" and "LEFT" functions in Microsoft Excel 2010. IF: -...
To retrieve the row number which corresponds with a matched value in a lookup, we use the MAX function, along with the IF and ROW functions in Microso...
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