In this article we will write the formula to reverse the word order within a string in Microsoft Excel. We will use LEFT, RIGHT, LEN and FINDÂ functio...
This article is about how to extract the first N number of words from a string in Microsoft Excel by using formulas. To solve this problem we will use...
To determine long distance phone calls based on the number dialed, we need to use the IF, AND, LEFT, and MID functionsin Microsoft Excel 2010 and 2013...
Original Question:- How to split a cell into 3 different cells? I am importing text file in Excel, but all data is importing in a column I want ...
In this article, we will learn Different ways to add zeroes (0s) in front in Excel. Scenario: Adding Zero in front of the number in Excel. Def...
In this article we'll learn how to copy formulas in Excel without changing the cell reference or in simple words we can say that how to copy exact for...
In this article, we will create a macro to check duplication and remove duplicate values from two consecutive columns. Raw data consists of t...
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