Compare 2 Columns Through VBA in Microsoft Excel

In case you are wondering how to compare 2 columns of data having rows in millions & extract the unique values among both the columns then you sho...

Wildcard to delete cells through VBA

While we work with raw data on Excel, we often look for data that match criteria and delete every other data that does not match the given criteria. I...

Count Cells through Excel VBA

In this article, we are going to learn how to count and display total through VBA in Microsoft Excel. Let’s understand with a simple exercise, how ...

Delete Rows Based On Conditions

If you are seriously after a VBA code to help you out in order to delete all the rows based on specific text found in a particular column, then this a...

How to Combine Multiple Columns into Single Column Using VBA in Microsoft Excel

In case you have a requirement on combining multiple columns to on column & you did not have a clue then this whole article is for you. In this ar...

Data Validation Width is too Small in Microsoft Excel 2010

In this article, you will learn how to increase the size of the selected cell that contains data validation. If you are working on a report that co...

Add Only Distinct Positive Values with VBA

In case you are wondering how you can add only positive & unique values then this article is for you. In this article, you will learn how to ad...

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