UDF to Extract only Number from a Cell Using VBA in Microsoft Excel In this article, we will learn how to use VBA code to extract number...
In this article, we are going to learn how to create user defined functions in Microsoft Excel by using the VBA. User Defined Function:- Microsoft Ex...
In case you want a process to help you in retrieving the email address from the string then this article is for you. In this article, we will create U...
In this article, we will use find method of Range object to highlight the cell which contains the value similar to search words. Raw data for...
Requirements: - Basic knowledge of vba - Use of tables/named ranges When working with workbooks on and off, sometimes months between revisits t...
In this article, we will create a custom function to generate random decimal numbers between the defined ranges. Raw data for this example consists o...
The function below will return the user name for the logged on user, works in both Windows NT and Windows95/98. Public Declare Function GetUserName L...
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