In case you have a requirement on combining multiple columns to on column & you did not have a clue then this whole article is for you. In this ar...
In this article, you will learn how to increase the size of the selected cell that contains data validation. If you are working on a report that co...
In Excel, while preparing reports for boss/management, we tend to insert comments in order to let the other person inform the status of the task. Comm...
The number of people using Word & Excel are quite high, however, they are not well versed when it comes to opening word file from Excel workbook. ...
If you want a quick way to write same text in same cell position then this article is for you. In this article, we will learn how to loop through in a...
If you want to be automatically update today’s day of the week then this article is for you. This article focus on updating user the current day of ...
Sometimes our VBA code or some formulas depend on the Worksheet name. If the name of the worksheet changes the the behavior of the VBA code or formula...
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