Macro to return user name and computer name in Microsoft Excel

In this article, we will create a macro which will return computer and user name for the logged in user. In this example, we want to extract computer...

Insert headers and footers using VBA in Microsoft Excel 2010

If you want to insert certain information in the header / footer of the worksheet like the file name / file path or the current date or page number, y...

Problem: The Characters Are in Reverse Order

To reverse the character order, create and add a Custom Function to the Insert Function dialog box: 1. Press Alt+F11 to open the VBE. 2. In VBAPro...

How to Change The Default Printer Using VBA in Microsoft Excel 2016

Hi There! Is your default printer situated in the far corner of the office? Want to print your sheet from the printer by your side? You can c...

Conditional formatting depending on a cell comment using VBA in Microsoft Excel

Question: How can I make a conditional formatting depending on a cell commentary? Answer: Insert the following code into the standard module Formula...

Use a closed workbook as a database (DAO) using VBA in Microsoft Excel

With the procedures below you can use DAO to retrieve a recordset from a closed workbook and read/write data. Call the procedure like this: GetWorks...

Change text in header when printing using VBA in Microsoft Excel

Question: How Change text in header when printing . Place the code below into a regular Module. Sub VariableRow() Dim intCount As Integer, in...

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