In this article we will learn how we can search for specific text, numbers, and formulas in current worksheet and all worksheets of a workbook by usin...
To extract the last word from the text in a cell we will use the “RIGHT” function with “SEARCH” & “LEN” function in Microsoft Excel 20...
To extract the first, middle and last name we use the formulas "LEFT", "RIGHT", "MID", "LEN", and "SEARCH" in Excel. LEFT: Returns the first charac...
In excel conditional formula can be used to highlight the specific condition. In this article we will learn how to color rows based on text criteria, ...
Problem: Rounding the prices in column A to the nearest nickel (5 cents), dime (10 cents), quarter (25 cents), and dollar. Solution: Use the ...
Excel saves custom Styles in the workbook where they were created and saved. To use the Styles in a different workbook, either copy the custom Styl...
To create a wide range of complex Styles: Add Styles and save each one separately with a unique name: 1. Select a cell, Select Home -> Cell Sty...
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