Color Alternate Rows with Conditional Formatting

If you wish to color every Alternate Row in your data with conditional formatting (without using) macro, follow the below quick process:-   ...

Values Not Formatted as Numbers in Excel 2007

Change the column formatting from Text to General by multiplying the numbers by 1: 1. Enter the number 1 into a cell and copy it. 2. Select the co...

Conditional Formatting in Excel

To use Conditional Formatting ready to use rules: Select Home -> Conditional Formatting (in Styles Group) -> Highlight Cells Rules or Top/Bot...

Applying Formatting to Cells Containing Text Only in Excel 2007

To apply formatting to cells containing text only, use Conditional Formatting: 1. Select a range of cells containing text. 2. Select Home-> Con...

Changing a Numeric Heading to Text in Excel 2007

When creating reports you might want to enter the year numbers as headings above the figures: To prevent the headings from being treated as number...

Dividing a First Left Heading Title in Excel 2007

To divide a title in a cell: 1. In cell A1, enter the words: Headings and Invoice Number. 2. Select cell A1, and in the Formula Bar, place the cur...

Coloring Gridlines in Excel 2007

To color the gridlines: 1. Select File -> Excel Options -> Advanced -> Display options for this worksheet. 2. From Gridlines color palett...

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