Calculating Time Differences Between Regions of the World

To calculate time differences between regions of the world:

Enter the following formula:


and then apply the HH:MM AM/PM time formatting to the cells.
Screenshot // Calculating Time Differences Between Regions of the World
Calculating Time Differences Between Regions of the World


  1. "I am trying to calculate time differences between regions of the world.

    My main issue is displaying the time when it goes back to the previous day i.e. say it was 8am Saturday Sydney, Australia time and the time change between Sydney Australia and Toronto, Canada is 10hrs, how do I calculate the time in Toronto, Canada?"

  2. I am trying to calculate time differences between regions of the world. My main issue is displaying the time when it goes back to the previous day i.e. say it was 8am Saturday Sydney, Australia time and the time change between Sydney Australia and Toronto, Canada is 10hrs, how do I calculate the time in Toronto, Canada?

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