Use messageboxes using VBA in Microsoft Excel

In this article we will learn message box in vba.

Here are excel vba msgbox examples on how to use the msgbox in excel:

MsgBox "The job is done !" 
' messagebox with text and OK-button
MsgBox "The job is done !", vbInformation
' messagebox with text, OK-button and an information-icon
MsgBox "The job is done !", vbCritical
' messagebox with text, OK-button and a warning-icon
MsgBox "The job is done !", vbInformation, "My Title"
' messagebox with text, OK-button, information-icon and a custom title text

Answer = MsgBox("Do you want to continue ?", vbYesNo)
' messagebox with YES- and NO-buttons, 
' the result is an integer, the constants are named vbYes and vbNo.
Answer = MsgBox("Do you want to continue ?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion)
' messagebox with YES- and NO-buttons and a question-icon
Answer = MsgBox("Do you want to continue ?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "My Title")
' messagebox with YES- and NO-buttons, 
' question-icon and a custom title text
Answer = MsgBox("Do you want to continue ?", vbYesNo + 256 + vbQuestion, "My Title")
' messagebox with YES- and NO-buttons, question-icon and a custom title text, 
' the NO-button is default
Answer = MsgBox("Do you want to continue ?", vbOKCancel, "My Title")
' messagebox with OK- and CANCEL-buttons, the result is an integer, 
' the constants are named vbOK og vbCancel.

The result from the MsgBox- VBA function can be stored in a variable. The variable can be of type Integer.
This variable may be used later in the macro code like this:

Answer = MsgBox("Do you want to continue ?", _
    vbOKCancel, "My Title")
If Answer = vbCancel Then Exit Sub ' the macro ends if the user selects the CANCEL-button

Or like this:

If MsgBox("Do you want to continue ?", vbOKCancel, _
    "My Title") = vbCancel then Exit Sub

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