For entries or changes of formula values, a proof with the prior values is to be initiated. If the new cell value is higher, the background color shall change to
Place the code below into the standard module
Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate() Dim rng As Range, rngAct As Range Set rng = Me.UsedRange With Worksheets("Dummy") For Each rngAct In rng.Cells If rngAct.Value < .Range(rngAct.Address).Value Then rngAct.Interior.ColorIndex = 6 ElseIf rngAct.Value > .Range(rngAct.Address).Value Then rngAct.Interior.ColorIndex = 3 End If Next rngAct .Range(rng.Address).Value = rng.Value End With End Sub Sub OutOfOn() With Worksheets("Dummy") If .Visible = True Then .Visible = xlVeryHidden Else .Visible = True End With End Sub
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