About Dashboard:
Human resources: - Human Resources play a very key role in an organization. Human resource are have so many responsibilities such as hiring the candidates for a company, and ensuring they would perform well and check their previous records.
Human resources makes policies regarding Leaves, Salary Distribution, Manpower, Employee Data Manage, Performance Allowances, and Provident Fund etc.
Human resources dashboards are useful to analyze the performance and improvement area of resources, employee satisfaction. We can finalize the salary standard for every level and designation accordingly.
Let’s understand with a dashboard how we can prepare it and how it will be useful for us to analyze and maintain the company standard.
Chart: - Global Costs
In this chart we have 4 radio buttons, 1st is to show all the cost, 2nd is to show the Salary cost, 3rd is to show the Bonus cost and 4th is to show the Overtime.
When we click on the Salaries radio button chart, it will present the analysis for the salaries; how much salary is distributed in thewhole department, we can see the total cost, average cost and headcount as well for all department.
This chart is really useful to analyze so many things in asingle chart as we can see the expenditure for all departments in each and every term.
Chart: - Global Costs
In this chart we have 4 radio buttons, 1st is to show all the cost, 2nd is to show the Salary cost, 3rd is to show the Bonus cost and 4th is to show the Overtime.
When we click on the Salaries radio button chart, it will present the analysis for the salaries; how much salaries are being distributed in the whole department, we can see the total cost, average cost and headcount as well for all department.
This chart is really useful to analyze so many things in single chart such as we can see the expenditure for all the departments in each and every term.
Benefit Analysis (per Department)
In this chart we can analyze the salary level of every employee in the company. In this chart we have a drop down list where we can select the data department wise and we can see the salary slabs and distribution.
When we set the filter in the drop down list we will get the Top 5 employees department wise, head count and %age of head counts.
Performance Chart
In the above shown chart we can see the total taken sick days for every department. Average absence we can see in the chart department wise, and average performance for every department.
Bonus Chart
In this chart we can analyze that how many employees got the bonus amount and how much as per the levels of bonus amount.
Overtime Chart
In this chart we can analyze that how many employees got the overtime amount and how much as per the levels of overtime amount.
Sick Days Chart
In this chart we can analyze that how many employees have taken the sick days leaves. Let’s say in this chart showing that 24 headcount is there to taken the 3 sick days.
Performance Level Chart
In the above shown chart we can analyze the employees performance level, in this chart we can see that 24 employees are having 5 score.
Top 5 Bonus Achiever
By using this table we can get the top 5 employees who got the bonus highest bonus in the company.
Top 5 Overtime
By using this table we can get the top 5 employees who got the highest overtime in the company.
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Nice color use