To break unwanted or orphaned links between workbooks in Excel 2002 & Excel 2003:
1. From the Edit menu, select Links.
2. In the Edit Links dialog box, select the Source workbook and click Break Link.
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"For earlier version this reference is good:
However, I only finally got rid of my phantom link by pointing the link reference back at the current file. At which point the link disappeared!"
"How do you break a link between Word and Excel via VBA. I am using Word and Excel 97.
How to break links on excel 2000
"How do you break a link between Word and Excel via VBA. I am using Word and Excel 97.
Excel 2000 and prior won't even tell you what cells the links are in as far as I know!
How do you break links in older versions of Excel?
"For earlier version this reference is good:
However, I only finally got rid of my phantom link by pointing the link reference back at the current file. At which point the link disappeared!"
"How do you break a link between Word and Excel via VBA. I am using Word and Excel 97.
How to break links on excel 2000
Excel 2000 and prior won't even tell you what cells the links are in as far as I know!
How do you break links in older versions of Excel?