Get the value of the last non blank cell in a column in Microsoft Excel

In this article, we will learn how to get the value to the last non-blank cell in a column.

To get the last non-blank value we will use COUNTA  function along with OFFSET function in Microsoft Excel.

COUNTA: To return the count of the number of cells that contain values, you can use the function COUNTA.

Syntax of “COUNTA” function: =COUNTA (value1, value2, value3…….)

Example: In range A1:A5, cells A2, A3 and A5 contain the values, and cells A1 and A4 are blank. Select the cell A6 and write the formula “COUNTA” to count the nonblank cells.

=COUNTA(A1:A5)the function will return 3
One of the rows and columns in a range that is a specified number of the cell or range of cells has a reference returned references. A single cell or range of cells may have to be returned to the number of rows and number of columns can be specified.

Syntax of OFFSET function:    = OFFSET (reference, rows, cols, height, width)

Reference: - This is the cell or range from which you want to offset.

Rows and Columns to move: - How many rows you want to move the starting point and both of these can be positive, negative or zero.

Height and Width: - This is the size of the range you want to return.

Let’s take an example to understand how the Offset function works in Excel:-

We have data in range A1:D10 in which column A contains Product Code, Column B contains Quantity, column C contains per product cost and column D contains Total cost. Now, we want to return the value of cell C5 in cell E2.
Follow below mentioned steps:-

  • Select the cell E2 and write the formula.
  • =OFFSET(A1,4,2,1,1)
  • Press Enter on your keyboard.
  • The function will return the value of cell C5.

In this article, ‘COUNTA” function will help us to count the non-blank cells and offset formula will be used to pick the value as per the cell reference.

Let’s take an example to understand how we can get the value of the last non blank cell in a column.

We have month list in column A. Now, we want to find out that what value last non blank cell contains.
Follow below given steps:-

  • Write the formula in cell B2.
  • =OFFSET(A1,COUNTA(A:A)-1,0)
  • Press Enter on your keyboard.
  • The function will return the value of last non blank cell.

This is the way by which we can get the value of the last non-blank cell in a column in Microsoft Excel.


image 48


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  1. Appreciate if you could help me with a formula to achieve the intent shown below.

    Original array Intended array Intended logic
    2 2 A2"" so A2
    2 A3="" update previous non-blank value i.e. A2
    2 A4="" update previous non-blank value i.e. A2
    4 4 A5"" so A5
    4 A6="" update previous non-blank value i.e. A5
    6 6 A7"" so A7
    6 A8="" update previous non-blank value i.e. A5
    6 A9="" update previous non-blank value i.e. A5
    6 A10="" update previous non-blank value i.e. A5
    8 8 A11"" so A11

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