About Dashboard:
Sales Performance: -Every company has a product which they need to sell increase the returns. Ultimately if sales improve, the company will grow
Sales performance dashboard is a useful tool to analyze the performance of sales. By using the sales performance dashboard we can see individual performance and make improvements in the performance on the basis of data. It helps us to forecast the next vision of targets and achievements and managing things like improving the sales and how to generate more revenue etc.
Below shown dashboard is useful to analyze sales performance in every field.
Chart:- Region wise on yearly basis
In the above shown charts we used Line chart to show the sales performance for every region on yearly basis. We can see and analyze that 1st line charts are representing the performance to Region1 for the year 2012 and 2011 for the every month. Second line charts are representing the performance for Region 2, Third line charts are representing the performance for Region 3 and 4th Line chart are representing the performance for region 4.
Chart:- Product Chart
The above shown Pie chart is representing the numbers of products. We can analyze the contribution of 3 products.
Chart:-Sales Person’s Contribution
The above shown Pie chart is representing the numbers to sales person. We can analyze the contribution pf every sales person in the chart.
Chart:- Customer Type
The above shown Pie chart is representing the numbers to Customers. We can analyze the contribution of every customer in the chart.
Chart:- Customer Type
The above shown Line chart is representing the numbers on yearly basis for every month. In this chart drop down filters are available to select the Region, Product, We can analyze the contribution of every customer in the chart, where we can select the criteria as per the requirement and we can see the performance and analyze in depth.
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