Question asked by user @ Excel forum:-
How to mark dates on a calendar through conditional formatting?
I have a calendar that I want to mark the dates as per the listed Date Criteria. I thought conditional formatting would be the best way, however can't seem to find a way.
Following is the list of start & finish dates in column A & B
We want conditional formatting to highlight dates that matches Dates Criteria in column D; refer below snapshot
We need to follow the below steps:
Conditional Format Based on Dates
Find Occurrence of Text in a Column
How to Highlight a row on the basis of Cell
Compare 2 Columns and Return Fill Red if is different
How to check the row and then highlight the first cell of the row
Highlight Cells Tomorrow Excluding Weekend
Conditional Formatting to Mark Dates on a Calendar
How to apply Conditional Formatting in a Cell before a Particular Character
Highlight the Top 10 Sales through Conditional Formatting
Conditional Formatting for Pivot Tables
Conditional Format Between First and Last Non-Blank Cells
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