In this article, you will learn how to copy data from one sheet to another using worksheet function.
Let us understand with an example:
We have 2 worksheets i.e. Data & Daily Activity
Data sheet will contain the information entered. Refer below snapshot
We need a code that will copy data to Daily Activity sheet; however, while pasting the data, we need to search according to the ID number column & then paste the data according to its ID number.
There is a submit button that will copy the data to Daily Activity sheet as follows
Click on Developer tab
From Code group, select Visual Basic
Click on CommandButton
This will open CommandButton1_Click Object
Enter the following code in the CommandButton1 Object
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
LR = Sheet2.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
i = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(Sheet1.Range("B1"), Sheet2.Range("A2:A" &LR), 0) + 1
Sheet2.Range("B" &i).PasteSpecialxlValues
Sheet2.Range("C" &i).PasteSpecialxlValues
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub
After clicking on Submit button on Data sheet, the data will get copied to Daily Activity sheet.
As we enter the Sales information in Data sheet & after clicking on Submit button, the data will get transferred to Daily Activity tab.
Snapshot of Data tab
To see the result in Daily Activity, refer below snapshot
In this way, we can copy the data from one sheet to another.
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Good! nice way to copy