Microsoft Excel having so many unbelievable capabilities that are not instantly perceived. Excel Shortcut keys are most useful and usable to save the time.
Shortcut keys help to provide an easier and usually quicker method of directing and finishing commands in Microsoft Excel. Mostly we prefer to use the shortcuts as it’s kind of amazing how much time we can save by not using the mouse clicks. Keyboard shortcuts in Excel are commonly accessed by using the ALT, Ctrl, Shift, Function key and Window key.
We really liked that windows gives us multiple ways to perform the task in Excel, let’s say we want to save a file, either we can press the key “Ctrl+S” or “Shift+F11”.
Below are the amazing Shortcuts for Excel category wise, in which you will find the Excel formula shortcuts, Excel copy paste shortcuts, Excel keyboard shortcuts to insert row, Excel keyboard shortcuts to select row, Keyboard shortcuts for VBA and Excel hot keys (add more alt shortcuts to Excel).
Keyboard shortcuts for Dialog Box:-
Entering Data shortcuts:-
File Commands:-
Keyboard shortcuts for Format:-
Formulas shortcuts:-
General keyboard shortcuts:-
Important Hot Keys:-
Shortcuts for Navigating:-
Keyboard shortcuts for selecting rows/column/cell:-
Window shortcut keys:-
Workbook shortcut keys:-
The applications/code on this site are distributed as is and without warranties or liability. In no event shall the owner of the copyrights, or the authors of the applications/code be liable for any loss of profit, any problems or any damage resulting from the use or evaluation of the applications/code.
I really like this but i want more shortcut keys
Your site has been a true gem. I am working in an office and have taken on most of the duties of Accounting, Client management, Front office, what ever else the boss wants. I never would have been able to make the spreadsheets I have without your help and the info I have received in the forums. With your help I went from part time to a very needed piece of the office puzzle. Could you email me the excel and pdf version of your shortcut list. Also know that I am truly, truly thankful of all the work you have dedicated to this site.
21st November,2018.
Sir, I found those short cuts very useful.
More over,please note that I could not find Logo,Which i wish to copy past for short cut keys.May ant one help me find or send copy ?
Anctiously (spelling mistake ? ).
I will help you let me know which type of help you want.
I may be missing it but I don't see CTRL+* to select an entire table or range of data. Very helpful when selecting a table of data that you want to sort.
Very Nice Information..
it superb information
Please send me the Excel Format for above Short cuts
Hi Buddhika,
Greeting from Excel Tip.
We have already given the downloadable option in both version, PDF & XLSs at the end of the tip. We request you to visit the page once again and download the file as per required format by your own.
Team Excel Tip & Excel Forum
Thanks...For your effort to make easy our work..I shall much appreciate if you send me in excell format.
Thanking you
Jahir Hussain vena
Hi Ron K,
In the end of tip you can download the Excel and PDF files.
Site Admin
Please send me the excel version.Thanks!
Hi Ron K,
In the end of tip you can download the Excel and PDF files.
Site Admin
Regarding navigating, keep in mind that several of the tips shown are for edit mode, including but not limited to CTRL+RIGHT, CTRL+LEFT, HOME & END.
Here are a few that I failed to notice in the list:
To jump to the cell before the 1st blank cell to the right: END followed by RIGHT
To jump to the cell before the 1st blank cell down: END followed by DOWN
To jump to the next sheet: CTRL+PGDN
To jump to the previous sheet: CTRL+PGUP
To jump one screen to the right: ALT+PGDN
To jump one screen to the left: ALT+PGUP
Regarding using ALT+TAB to go to a different application, hold down the ALT key while repeatedly pressing the TAB key until the application you want is highlighted, then let go of the ALT key. If you press TAB too many times and pass the application you want, without letting go of the ALT key press SHIFT+TAB to back up. This is not Excel-specific but a function of Windows.
Regarding the shortcuts for unhiding rows & columns, CTRL+SHIFT+( works for unhiding rows, but CTRL+SHIFT+) has never worked for unhiding columns (I have 2007). To unhide columns I need to type ALT H O U L instead. Remember 1st to select a range that includes the row(s) or column(s) you want to unhide.
Please send the list as well - thanks.
Remarkable tool granted to the learners.
Would you please send me the Excel file of the list, please?
Phenomenal list! Thank you for putting it together.
Would you please send me the Excel file of this list, please?
So glad I joined the forum
Hi Jordan,
Below to the tip you can download Excel file.
Site Admin
I know that this is not strictly-speaking a keyboard, but I was hoping that there was a way to scroll horizontally by using an auxiliary key with the scroll wheel. Perhaps this is not a feature, but it should be.
That should have said keyboard shortcut rather than keyboard.
Thanx for sharing the information.
Hi guys.
Thanks so much for taking the time to compile these - both in the printable, pretty PDF and searchable Excel formats.
However, noticed a problem with the PDF- some of the short cuts seem to be incorrect as the text has wrapped but 2nd line not visible, for example Ctrl+Alt+ for Paste Special box - which should read Ctrl+Alt+V (which is correct in Excel version).
Thought you might like to know so you can fix - but thanks again. Time to learn some new shortcuts
Awesome ... it would be more helpful if it is sent in excel format...
request for the same . please...
Hi Nadeem,
Already Excel file is there for downloading.
Excel Tip team
Thank you so much for this awesome post!
Last line on the list - Workook???
Thanks guys
This is amazing
Excellent notes.
Thanks a lot.
Please email excel shortcuts in excel format. Thanks!
Excellent! This is awesome! Thanks a million!
Please email me the excel file of the MS shortcuts
You are missing the copy-down (CTRL+D)
Wow. So usefull ! Thanks for sharing.
Could you please send me Excel Shortcuts in excel and pdf format ?
Great job guys! Very useful. Excel is an amazing tool and your list increases productivity by several fold. Thank you very much for documenting and even more thanks for sharing.
Thank you for your time
I am extremely grateful to you to have shared this excellent compilation of Excel Shortcuts in excel as well as pdf format. It will go a long way in saving time and effort while working on Excel spreadsheets.
Great, thanks for this awesome work...
Great list! Please aldo email me the excel version
That's saved a great deal of time - Thanks a lot. Please can you send it via Email
Btw, the description says Shift+F11 to save a file but the list seems to indicate it would be shift+F12. I'd also take a copy by e-mail. Can you pick it up from the e-mail that was required in order to leave a reply?
Just an FYI: Page Right (Alt+Page Up) and Page Left (Alt+Page Down) are not in this wonderfully awesome list. Thank you so much, it is very helpful!
Excellent list! Thanks for sharing. I would also like to receive the Excel document in my email. Thank you!
Hello Everyone,
We have released MAC keyboard shortcuts ebook too as per our users demand. Click on below link to download the e-book.
150+ MAC Excel Keyboard Shortcuts
Team Excel Forum & Excel Tip
Nice Work.
Please send me these shortcut file in excel format.
Hi All,
You all can download the Excel file as well as PDF version at the end of the tip. To download ebook, scroll above if you are viewing this comment or scroll down if you are top on the page.
Site Admina
Guys you are doing an excellent stuff. thanks for the effort taken in preparing such a file. Its been a great help. U guys r really rockin....
keep up the great job..
Would you mind including me? I'd also like to receive the excel version also for its search ability. Thanks so much for sharing this!
Oops, my error! Looks like you sent me both the PDF and Excel versions together. Thank you!
,kindly send excel version of shortcuts pls. Thanks for your compilation
pl mail me too that shortcut file in excel
Hi Satya,
Excel file is already here you can download it.
Team Excel Tip & Excel Forum
Wonderful Information . Thanks a Ton.
Wonderful Information , thanks a ton for the same.
Thx a lot for sharing
Awesome page.
I wanted to share with others, could not find the share link, post it with share link -- I would love to share it.
Dear Admin, Please share the same for Mac as well!
Thanks in advance..:)
Please provide the excel file of your Excel tips. And thank you for such a powerful tool!
Hello Everyone,
Please see below of the tip from there you can download the Excel and Pdf file.
Team Excel Tip & Execel forum
Hi, where can I download the XLS version from?
Hi Renoix,
Scroll down till the end of the tip from there you can download the Excel file.
Also please like us Facebook page.
Team Excel Tip & Excel Forum
I also would like this great info in an Excel file. Thank you in advance.
Keep up the good work.
Please email me the excel version
Hi hk,
Excel file is already there please find the below of the tip from there you can download the Excel file.
Team Excel Tip & Excel Forum
Can you please email me this in excel and word format?
Hi Mike,
We have already uploaded the XLS version.You can download the same from there.
Team Excel Tip & Excel Forum
Great stuff! Have always been a fan of shortcut keys, as they can save loads of time. I like the extras part on Windows shortcuts :). Keep up the good work!
Can you please email me this in excel and word format?
Wow, that is an awesome and very useful list. Thank you!!!
Kindly send me a copy in Excel and/or Word format.
Thanks for this..
Thanks this will be very useful.
Super duper. thanks for sharing such a wonderful guide.
Hi Guys,
Great tool, thankyou.
I would appreciate copy in word and excel please.
Keep up the great work.
Awesome work - is there anyway this could be made into a site PDF with render-able text (o it can be searched? Ctrf+F is much easier than visually scanning 250 shortcuts for the one you need!
Thank you for the work you put in.
I, too, would appreciate an Excel file of the shortcuts.
Great list, thanks for putting it together!
I would appreciate a copy of the file in excel format. Thx.
What a great list. I would appreciate the xls or doc file also. Thank you very much.
Hello Everyone,
Glad to know that you all liked the information. As most of you have demanded the information in XLS version. Soon we are going to upload the same here on this page for you.
Keep learning and Stay Connected!!!
Also, we request you to visit our official FB page where we keep sharing the useful post and information with all our members.
Excel tip & Excel forum
Please provide the above in excel format.
Please email me the excel file of the shortcuts as well. This is a very useful list!! Thanks
Good job
Kindly share me xls or doc file any one or both no prob.
Thanks and good work keep it up.
My Email id is :
Thanks for your kind words.
If you have any query related to Excel, you can ask our Excel experts at Excel Forum.
Also please like us FB Page.
Team Excel tip & Excel Forum
Good job
Kindly share me xls or doc file any one or both no prob.
Thanks and good work keep it up.
Please send me the excel version. Thanks!
Great list. Just one thing:
Ctrl+" seems to be the transposing of contents from the above cell as opposed to 'to fill down'.
Hi DK,
The Ctrl+" keyboard shortcut will allow you to fill down and quick edit mode. As Ctrl+D only allow you to fill down from the above cell. So we have found this keyboard very interesting, if someone wants to quickly edit by fill down the value from the above cell.
If you like our article, please visit us on FB and like our page.
Team Excel Forum & Excel Tip
I appreciate this list and would love to get the excel version to my personal email provided.
Hi Michael
Thanks and yes we are going to upload the Excel version on this page soon.
If you have any query related to Excel, you can ask our Excel experts at Excel Forum.
Also please like us on FB.
Team Excel tip & Excel Forum
Kindly provide me the excel sheet of the shortcuts. Thankyou
If you could put these in Excel or Word format, it would be greatly appreciated.
Please email me the searchable Excel file.
Hi do I have permission to share this PDF at my job?
Hello Jason,
Yes, you can go ahead and spread this information with your friends, family, colleague etc. We would be interesting this wonderful and useful information.
Also, If you have any query related to MS-Excel or VBA, you can visit us at Excel Forum. Our Forum Gurus and Experts will assist you.
If you like the information, please like us on FB.
Team Excel Forum & Excel Tip
Would you please email me the excel file of the shortcuts. This is a very useful list!! Thanks
Please share the excel and word document of the related information; thank you so much.
Admin am new here, can i ask a favor if u hav time to send via mail those shorcut pdf files only.. i hav not micro excel yet.. thanks best regard your site
Sure Suki,
However, soon we will be uploading the excel file with all the shortcut here.
Team Excel Forum & Excel Tip
Thanks admin ..
Great list of excel shortcuts. I have developed a liking for them and this will definitely enhance that..
Great to know Michael.
Stay connected with us for more updates.
Also, like us on FB.
Team Excel Forum & Excel Tip
That is awesome! I did not know there were so many keyboard shortcuts for EXCEL. Thanks a lot.
p.s. Is there a shortcut that will help me remember them all?
Thanks Tony.
Yes, the shortcut is to try 4-5 shortcuts everyday if you want to remember them all.
Please like us on our FB page.
Team Excel Forum & Excel Tip
Could I also please got a copy in MS Excel format? Thanks!
Very nice tool. Please email me the searchable Excel file.
Thank you for this great help!!
Great list! Excel format would be helpful to make it more easily searchable, but the compilation is very handy
thank you!
Great Article, Thanks for posting this.
PS please email me the list also. Tx
Great! I have a question - difficult to describe: when you delete rows at the bottom of your data (or cells to the right), the deleted rows/cells are still active as part of the worksheet - if you press ctrl+end, it will move the cursor to the bottom right including the deleted cells. Is there a short-cut that takes you to the true bottom right cell of the worksheet?
I would appreciate a copy of the file in excel format. Thx.
Your site has been a true gem. I am working in an office and have taken on most of the duties of Accounting, Client management, Front office, what ever else the boss wants. I never would have been able to make the spreadsheets I have without your help and the info I have received in the forums. With your help I went from part time to a very needed piece of the office puzzle. Could you email me the excel and pdf version of your shortcut list. Also know that I am truly, truly thankful of all the work you have dedicated to this site.
Thanks for sharing the wonderful experience with us Dan!!!
The site is doing good just because of people like you who come here and get the required information which you look for.
Our team is trying best to bring something very unique every week which can be used in everyone's daily life.
Yes, on a demand, we are going to upload XLS version of Keyboard shortcuts to make your life more easy.
Stay connected with us here.
Also, like our Facebook page.
Team Excel Forum & Excel Tip
Please email me an excel format of the excel shortcuts. Thanks
Please email me the searchable Excel file.
Awesome! It's funny how you use a few shortcuts but forget about all of the others. Thanks for a great reminder!
I didn't see the CTRL/SHIFT/ARROW keys on your list. They are the biggest time saver of them all!
Ohh yeah...seems we also have missed it
But, it will be there on the XLS version.
CTRL+SHIFT+ARROW --> This key extend the selection of cells to the last non-blank cell in the selected range.
Please like us on Facebook.
Team Excel Forum & Excel Tip
Highly appreciated effort. Thanks
Awesome work guys.
I find these one new.
CTRL + 2 for BOLD
Keep sharing such wonderful knowledge.
thanks sir how about to resize the the font into large or big.. pls thanks again
If your comment about resizing font into large/big relates to the row and/or column identifiers, I would be very grateful to know about this also. I have some files in which I must have made some keystroke error and caused the font size of my row & column identifiers and can never find a way to change them back. I generally have to create a new file & import all data to remove the over-sized identifiers. Thanks in advance!
Agree with previous poster--this is an awesome tool, but as a Mac user, would really appreciate similar list of Mac shortcuts.
Hi Claudia,
Thanks for bringing this in our knowledge. Our team is already working on this and soon we are going to share "MAC shortcuts" for all our members.
Also, if you have any question to ask, please reach us at Forum experts on Excel Forum. Our Forum experts will assist you.
Team Excel Forum & Excel Tip
Cool list. But a bit useless for everyday use if aren't descriptions searchable
Hello Piero,
Thanks for considering it "Cool". We understand your concern however, if you want we can share the list of these shortcuts in excel / doc with you on your personal email.
Please confirm.
Please provide me list of 250 excel short cuts in MS EXCEL FORMAT
Hello, could you please also send me an excel version of the shortcuts? Thank you!
I would also like a searchable copy. Thank you!
I will really appreciate that list on excel too.
Please send me an excel copy as well! Thanks!
I would like a copy in Excel/Word please. This is such a time saver! Thanks for this!
pleas also send me a list
great info
Bob Weight - Please send me a copy of the shortcuts in either doc or xcel format
This is great info. Will inform everybody at the office. Kindly send me copy of the shortcuts in excel and doc as well. Thanks!
Please share the '250 MS-Excel Keyboard Shortcuts' on my email:
Hi Kiran,
XLS file is already there, you can download the same from end of the tip.
Team Excel Tip & Excel Forum
Can't believe, its a PDF. Also, you can even search in the PDF. Absolute waste of time. I'll rather google.
Hello Nitin,
We understand your concern however, if you want we can share the list of these shortcuts in excel / doc with you on your personal email. Also for more information please stay connected with us at Excel Forum where you can ask excel related query and get the answer from our Excel experts.
Thank you
Site Admin
I would also like the very helpful list in both Excel and Word format if possible. Many thanks,
Hi, I would like to get the list of these shortcuts in excel / doc version.
Thank you,
Please send the list to my email also!
I would like the list in excel or word format too please
Thanks for offering this list in excel format. Please forward a copy at your convenience.
Please provide searchable version. Thanks! -Kevin
Please send me the .xls version of this list as well.
I would also like a copy in Excel and Word.
thanks for the shortcuts!
The PDF will be a great tool to print and keep handy but I agree that a search would be ideal. Thanks for the work that went into this guys!
Thanks Kelly!!!
It's good to see that how important information this is for all of us. Yes, we understand that PDF will not be good in terms of searching for something. But, soon we are going to upload the XLS version for you all.
Please visit us @ Excel Forum, if you have any question / query related to Excel / VBA.
Also, please like us on FB.
Team Excel Forum & Excel Tip
Please send me list in excel format
Thank you
Please send me a copy of this information in Excel. Thank you for your kind offer.
Me too please.
Please e-mail me the excel version.
Can you please email me the 250 shortcuts in word and excel too please?
I would like a copy in excel format too please. Thanks
Can you please email me these shortcuts in excel format
Hi Asheesh,
XLS file is already there, you can download the same from end of the tip.
Team Excel Tip & Excel Forum
This is an awesome compilation especially for free, not sure why all the whining about the format, though I see there is now an excel format link.
One note, i noticed that two of the shortcuts:
CRTL + 5
seem to have been placed in the wrong group, being in navigation instead of formatting.
Dear Admin,
Could you please share me this in excel/word format to my email id
can I get excel file as well.
Thanks for your help.
Please share Excel shortcuts in .xls and .doc format
It's very useful. Could you also give tip to import MS word file to Excel with original, file format.
I highly appreciated this type of keyboard shortcuts and this is very useful in our work. Thank you. Ekramul
that really amazing!!!!! thanks
Awesome list; sad part is I'm on a Mac, if you have an updated version for MAC it would be awesome.
Don't be sad, soon we are going to share MAC shortcut list.
Stay connected with us.
Site Admin
Please email me the 250 MS-Excel Keyboard Shortcuts in excel format
Hello AlanF51MS,
Can you please send me the file in excel format? I would like it to be searchable.
Kind regards,
Another request for a Mac version please
Hi David,
Our team is working on this and soon we are going to share the MAC shortcuts here with you all.
Team Excel Tip & Excel Forum
here is the mac version I found in same e-mail that got me here
Would you please share this information in excel format. Thanks
Sir thanks @10 ^6 times for getting the all the formulas in one excel sheet.