How to Freeze Panes in Microsoft Excel

In this article, we will learn How to Freeze Panes in Microsoft Excel.

Freeze panes: - We use this option to freeze a portion of sheet to keep it visible while you scroll through the rest of the sheet. This is useful for checking out data in other parts of your worksheet without losing your headers or labels.

Shortcut key of Freeze panes: - Alt+W,F,F

When you have a huge amount of data under a common heading you are unable to see the heading when scrolled down the worksheet. What freeze panes does is it lets you freeze particular rows and columns of your choice so that you can see that frozen portion even when the rest of the datas are being scrolled. It makes your job much easier when you have thousands of data under one heading. Freezing and unfreezing panes changes the view of the data without changing the data itself.

Example :

All of these might be confusing to understand. Let's understand how to use the function using an example.

Here we have an example of multiple columns & rows to make the article more understandable.

Go to View > Freeze panes

Select the type, you wish to freeze.

  1. Freeze Panes : Freezes selected row or column.
  2. Freeze Top Row : Freezes First row of the sheet.
  3. Freeze First Column : Freezes first column of the sheet.

Here We wish to Freeze Top Row

Select Freeze top row from Freeze panes drop down options

As you can see 1st Row is Freezed as the second row its showing is 20. Scrolling more down the page first row will help you track the label field.

Freeze panes let you view your large data without any keeping track of Row or Column label.

What if you want to select more than one row or column or freeze something to the right side?

There is solution to that too first of all you will notice a little bar on top of the vertical scroll bar when you place your mouse there you will see that your mouse pointer has become a two headed arrow now left click the mouse button and drag down underneath the row you want to freeze and go to freeze panes option from the view tab and click it.

Similarly there is a small bar on the right side of the horizontal scroll bar, placing your mouse pointer on it will show a similar two headed arrow effect  now click your mouse and drag it  up to the column you want to freeze and  click on the freeze panes option to freeze the column.


You cannot freeze or unfreeze panes while you are in cell editing mode or page layout view.

You cannot freeze or unfreeze if the worksheet is protected.

Don’t select the A1cell as it is not possible to select rows or columns above the A1 cell. Excel will freeze the panes near the center of the work space instead.

When you print the worksheet you will not get what you have seen after freezing, you will only get the regular worksheet.

Hope this article about How to Freeze Panes in Microsoft Excel is explanatory. Find more articles on calculating values and related Excel formulas here. If you liked our blogs, share it with your friends on Facebook. And also you can follow us on Twitter and Facebook. We would love to hear from you, do let us know how we can improve, complement or innovate our work and make it better for you. Write to us at

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  1. This was very helpful, I was use to the old way now I know the new way. This helps with long files with the same information running on.

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