In this article, we will learn How to Find the Average of the Last 3 Non-zero Values in Microsoft Excel 2010.
Scenario :
When working with average computation on data. We usually come across the situation of considering zero or non-zero values. This is done as Average of of numbers just not only depends on the value, it also depends on the number of values considered. Average of n numbers is equal to the sum of numbers upon n.
Average of n values = Sum of n values / n
Here the criteria is, where we only have to considered 3 values which have non zero values. Let's understand this formula using different functions.
AVERAGE of last 3 non zero values in Excel
We use the AVERAGE function, IF , ROW & LARGE function. The combination of these will result in the average.
AVERAGE function can be used to find the average value or arithmetic mean of values in a selected range of cells.
number1, number2,……number n are numeric values.They can be numbers or names, arrays, of references that contain numbers.
The IF function checks if a condition you specify is TRUE or FALSE. If the condition returns TRUE then it returns preset value, and if the condition returns FALSE then it returns another preset value.
Syntax :
= IF(logical_test,value_if_true,value_if_false)
logical_test: Logical test will test the condition or criteria.If condition meets then it returns true, and if the condition does not meet then it returns false.
value_if_true: The value that you want to be returned if this argument returns TRUE.
value_if_false: The value that you want to be returned if this argument returns FALSE
ROW function Returns the row number of a reference.
Reference : It is a reference to a cell or range of cells.
LARGE : Returns the kth largest value in a data set. For example, the second largest number from a list of 10 items.
array: It is an array or range of cells in a list of data for which you want to find the kth largest value.
k: It is the kth position from largest value to return in the array or range of cells.
Example :
All of these might be confusing to understand. Let's understand how to use the formula using an example. Here we have an example to demonstrate the average of values. But the condition is we don't want to include zero value.
Use the formula:
{ = AVERAGE ( IF ( ROW (D2:D14) > = LARGE ( IF (D2:D14 , ROW(D2:D14) ) , 3) , IF (D2:D14, D2:D14))) } |
Donot press just Enter, Use Ctrl + Shift + Enter to get the average. Just choosing the Enter key option will result in #NUM error. So beware, This is done when an array of values is passed from inner function to outer function in a formula.
It is the average of 71, 1351 & 1538. Now you know how to do this so you perform the below example shown below.
Alternate way:
Here we have 5 ranges of numbers and We need to find the find the average of the top 3 values for all ranges.
We need to find the average using the below formula
Use the formula:
= AVERAGE ( LARGE ( B2:B6 , {1 , 2 , 3 } ) ) |
The LARGE function gets the top 3 values of the range ( B1:B6 ). The Large function returns the values { 87 , 82 , 58 }. Now AVERAGE of these values is calculated using the AVERAGE function
As you can see the formula returns the average for first array
Now use the same formula for other ranges using the Ctrl + R or drag right option in excel.
Here we have the average for all the ranges. You can perform more average function function using the AVERAGEIF, AVERAGEA, AVERAGEIFS & AGGREGATE functions here.
Here are all the observational notes regarding using the formula.
In this way, we learnt How to Find the Average of the Last 3 Non-zero Values in Microsoft Excel 2010. You can use these functions in Excel 2016, 2013 and 2010. Find more articles on Mathematical operation and formulation with different criteria. If you liked our blogs, share it with your friends on Facebook. And also you can follow us on Twitter and Facebook. We would love to hear from you, do let us know how we can improve, complement or innovate our work and make it better for you. Write us at
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What if i want the formula to work even if only the first cell has a number other than 0. I need it for the last 21 days. And so there will be times when there isn't 21 rows in the column that have data. but i need the formula to still give me a average of what ever is there. Hopefully that makes since.
if you have your 21 days in A2:A22 range then write this formula to get average of cell whose value is greater than 0
Hi. Great tip and i want to use it but i want to use it with criteria.
I am using tables and i want to find the average of the LAST 3 values of specific criteria.
What will the formula be if next to the values i have text (i.e. Names)and i want to find the average of the last three numbers for each "Name"?
The answer will be much appreciated
Hello Panos,
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