In this article, we will learn How to Get Multiple Values from Same Criteria in Microsoft Excel 2010.
Its easy to lookup for a value with one unique key in a table. We can simply use VLOOKUP. But when you don’t have that unique column in your data and need to lookup in multiple columns to match a value, VLOOKUP doesn’t help.
So to lookup a value in a table with multiple criteria we will use INDEX-MATCH-INDEX formula.
Generic Formula for Multiple Criteria Lookup
=INDEX(lookup_range,MATCH(1,INDEX((criteria1 =range1)*(criteria2=range2)*(criteriaN=rangeN),0,1),0)) |
lookup_range: Its the range from which you want to retrieve value.
Criteria1, Criteria2, Criteria N: These are the criteria you want to match in range1, range2 and Range N. You can have upto 270 criteria - range pairs.
Range1, range2, rangeN : These are the ranges in which you will match your respective criteria.
How it will work? Lets see…
Here I have a data table. I want to pull Name of customer using Date of Booking, Builder and Area. So here I have three criteria and one lookup range.
Write this formula in cell I4 hit enter.
=INDEX(E2:E16,MATCH(1,INDEX((I1=A2:A16)*(I2=B2:B16)*(I3=C2:C16),0,1),0)) |
How it works:
We already know how INDEX and MATCH function work in EXCEL, so i am not going to explain that here. We will talk about the trick we used here.
(I1=A2:A16)*(I2=B2:B16)*(I3=C2:C16): The main part is this. Each part of this statement return an array of true false.
When boolean values are multiplied they return array of 0 and 1. Multiplication works as AND operator. Hense when all value are true only then it returns 1 else 0
(I1=A2:A16)*(I2=B2:B16)*(I3=C2:C16) This altogether will return
Which will translate into
{0;0;0;0;0;0;0;1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} |
INDEX((I1=A2:A16)*(I2=B2:B16)*(I3=C2:C16),0,1): INDEX Function will return the same array ({0;0;0;0;0;0;0;1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0}) to MATCH function as lookup array.
MATCH(1,INDEX((I1=A2:A16)*(I2=B2:B16)*(I3=C2:C16),0,1): MATCH function will look for 1 in array {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0}. And will return index number of first 1 found in array. Which is 8 here.
INDEX(E2:E16,MATCH(1,INDEX((I1=A2:A16)*(I2=B2:B16)*(I3=C2:C16),0,1),0)): Finally, INDEX will return value from given range (E2:E16) at found index (8).
Simple?. Sorry, couldn’t make it more simpler.
If you can hit CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER consequently then you can eliminate the inner INDEX function. Just write this formula and hit CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER.
=INDEX(E2:E16,MATCH(1,(I1=A2:A16)*(I2=B2:B16)*(I3=C2:C16),0)) |
Generic Array Formula for Multiple Criteria Lookup
=INDEX(lookup_range,MATCH(1,(criteria1 =range1)*(criteria2=range2)*(criteriaN=rangeN),0)) |
Formula works same as above explanation.
Hope this article about How to Get Multiple Values from Same Criteria in Microsoft Excel 2010 is explanatory. Find more articles on extracting values and related Excel formulas here. If you liked our blogs, share it with your friends on Facebook. And also you can follow us on Twitter and Facebook. We would love to hear from you, do let us know how we can improve, complement or innovate our work and make it better for you. Write to us at
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