Moving Average is an analytical tool in Microsoft Excel which is used to recognize the ongoing trend in the data and it helps in forecasting.
This tool is commonly used in several business to move an average of 3 months sales and present the report in excel chart
The Moving Average function is part of Add INS in Microsoft Excel 2010 and 2013.
To access this tool click on Data Tab, click on Data Analysis in the Analysis group. If the Data Analysis command is not available then you need to load the Analysis Toolpak.
How to Install Analysis ToolPak in Excel For Mac and Windows
Analysis toolpak of excel contains very helpful tools for statistical, financial, and engineering data analysis.
As the article suggests, today we will learn how to add Analysis ToolPak in Excel For Mac and Windows PCs. So lets get started.
To install Analysis toolPak in Excel 2016 follow these steps.
Analysis ToolPak is added now. You can see it in Data tab in the right most corner.
To install Analysis toolpak in Excel for Mac, follow below steps.
Analysis Toolpak is added. Goto data tab. In the rightmost corner you’ll find Analysis Toolpak waiting for you.
Analysis Toolpak has a number of useful statistical tools that we will explore in our that we have explored in analysis tutorials.
Let’s come back on the topic, to generate the moving average report take an example. We have sales data month wise in the range A1:B13. In which column A contains Month name and column B sales.
To use theMoving Average tool, follow below mentioned steps:-
We can see the sales performance trend in above snapshot in just one click by using the Moving Average tool in Microsoft Excel.
In this way, we learnt How to use the Moving Average in Microsoft Excel. You can use these functions in Excel 2016, 2013 and 2010. Find more articles on Mathematical formulation with different criteria. If you liked our blogs, share it with your friends on Facebook. And also you can follow us on Twitter and Facebook. We would love to hear from you, do let us know how we can improve, complement or innovate our work and make it better for you. Write us at
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It is really nice and well explained