In this article, we will learn to return the Last column of data in Excel. Scenario: In simple words, while working with long unmannerly data,...
"Data source reference is not valid" is one annoying problem that can be hard to get rid of, if you don't know the source problem. In this article...
Excel is fast enough to calculate 6.6 million formulas in 1 second in Ideal conditions with normal configuration PC. But sometimes we observe exce...
Excel is an amazing tool for analyzing and visualizing data sets. To visualize and make report we often need to save small chunks of data. These...
When we work with several excel files and use formula to get the work done, we intentionally or unintentionally create links between different fil...
In this article, we will learn How to validate time entries which contain specific hours, specific minutes or specific time using data validation in...
In this article, we will learn how to validate data entries that must contain specific year, specific month or specific date using data validation i...
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