VBA Distinct Random Number Generator
If you want to generate random number in Excel & all the numbers should be unique (no repeat), you can use Excel Rand function to generate random numbers.
In this article, we will learn how to quickly create list of unique random numbers
We need to follow the below steps:
Function DistinctRandomNumbers(NumCount As Long, LLimit As Long, ULimit As Long) As Variant Dim RandColl As Collection, i As Long, varTemp() As Long DistinctRandomNumbers = False If NumCount< 1 Then Exit Function If LLimit>ULimit Then Exit Function If NumCount> (ULimit - LLimit + 1) Then Exit Function Set RandColl = New Collection Randomize Do On Error Resume Next i = CLng(Rnd * (ULimit - LLimit) + LLimit) RandColl.Addi, CStr(i) On Error GoTo 0 Loop Until RandColl.Count = NumCount ReDimvarTemp(1 To NumCount) For i = 1 ToNumCount varTemp(i) = RandColl(i) Next i Set RandColl = Nothing DistinctRandomNumbers = varTemp Erase varTemp End Function Sub Test() Dim varrRandomNumberList As Variant varrRandomNumberList = DistinctRandomNumbers(50, 1, 100) Range(Cells(3, 1), Cells(50 + 2, 1)).Value = _ Application.Transpose(varrRandomNumberList) End Sub
In this way, we can make a list of distinct random numbers without repetition in Excel 2013.
Another way in Excel 2016
RANDBETWEEN function stands for Random number between the 2 numbers. To get the same, follow the below steps.
RANDBETWEEN function returns the random numbers between any two numbers.
=RANDBETWEEN ( bottom, top ) |
Bottom : The smaller of the 2 numbers.
Top : The larger of the 2 numbers.
As we know a phone number have the following condition:
So the smallest possible number comes out to be 1000000000 and the largest possible number comes out to be 9999999999
So use the formula shown below to generate phone numbers
Use the Formula:
= RANDBETWEEN ( 1000000000 , 9999999999 ) |
1000000000 : smaller one
9999999999 : larger one
Just enter the formula once and repeat results using the drag down option in excel as shown in the above snapshot.
As you can see, you can get the random phone numbers in Excel.
Another ways to pick random values from given list
For this, we can opt for any of the two methods mentioned below. One method is using CHOOSE function. In this We need to input all individual values from the list to the function. You can use this formula for when number values in the list are less.
Formula using CHOOSE function:
= CHOOSE ( RANDBETWEEN ( 1 , n) , "value1" , "value2" , "value3",,,"value n" ) |
n : number of values in list
value1 , value2 , value3 , till value n : individual values from the list. These values can be input either using the cell reference or using directly with quotes or using the cell reference.
Another method is using the INDEX function where we will feed a random number as index which will result in the corresponding value at the index.
Formula using INDEX function:
=INDEX(data, RANDBETWEEN (1,ROWS (data)),col_index) |
data : data array can be a list or table.
1 : start index
col_index : column index to point out the list in table.
Notes :
Hope this article about Random Numbers Generator without Repeat Numbers using VBA in Microsoft Excel is explanatory. Find more articles on generating random numbers or date values here. If you liked our blogs, share it with your fristarts on Facebook. And also you can follow us on Twitter and Facebook. We would love to hear from you, do let us know how we can improve, complement or innovate our work and make it better for you. Write us at info@exceltip.com
Download - Random Number Generator without Repeat Numbers-xlsm
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Thanks for the code. Just what I needed. The screendump is naturally not correct, but the code works. Just annoyed that I didn't think of using a collection, which are knew 'all' about.
This code generates single random not range of distinct random number. Not useful code.
Well this is obviously incorrect - even the example shows 10 being repeated twice.
numbers are repeating itself