Change the value/content of several UserForm-controls using VBA in Microsoft Excel

In an Excel 5/95 dialogsheet it is possible to change the value/content of a collection of controls by
looping through the controls in the collection, e.g. like this: For Each cb In dlg.CheckBoxes.
In Excel 97 or later the UserForm-object doesn't group the controls in the same way.
Below you will find some example macros that shows how
you can change the value/content of several UserForm-controls:

Sub ResetAllCheckBoxesInUserForm()
Dim ctrl As Control
    For Each ctrl In UserForm1.Controls
        If TypeName(ctrl) = "CheckBox" Then
            ctrl.Value = False
        End If
    Next ctrl
End Sub

Sub ResetAllOptionButtonsInUserForm()
Dim ctrl As Control
    For Each ctrl In UserForm1.Controls
        If TypeName(ctrl) = "OptionButton" Then
            ctrl.Value = False
        End If
    Next ctrl
End Sub

Sub ResetAllTextBoxesInUserForm()
Dim ctrl As Control
    For Each ctrl In UserForm1.Controls
        If TypeName(ctrl) = "TextBox" Then
            ctrl.Text = ""
        End If
    Next ctrl
End Sub


  1. "Since the form controls are part of the ""Shapes"" collection now, you could just use the following:

    Dim c As Shape

    For Each c In ActiveSheet.Shapes
    If c.FormControlType = xlDropDown Then

    '[do something like reading out the values]

    End If

    Next c

    I hope that helps."

  2. "This looks fine for a user defined form but what if someone has put form controls (as opposed to controls from the control toolbox) directly onto a spreadsheet?
    I have inherited a spreadsheet with about 40 drop down form controls and I need to programatically extract the values.
    Unfortunately they didn't setup the cell link (Format Control->control->Cell link) and it doesn't look like it will be practical to update all 150 instances of the spreadsheet..... "

  3. "Since the form controls are part of the ""Shapes"" collection now, you could just use the following:

    Dim c As Shape

    For Each c In ActiveSheet.Shapes
    If c.FormControlType = xlDropDown Then

    '[do something like reading out the values]

    End If

    Next c

    I hope that helps."

  4. "This looks fine for a user defined form but what if someone has put form controls (as opposed to controls from the control toolbox) directly onto a spreadsheet?
    I have inherited a spreadsheet with about 40 drop down form controls and I need to programatically extract the values.
    Unfortunately they didn't setup the cell link (Format Control->control->Cell link) and it doesn't look like it will be practical to update all 150 instances of the spreadsheet.....

    Any hjelp appreciated."

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