In this article we are going to learn what the sub string functions are and how we can get sub-string in Microsoft Excel.
Sometimes, we may need to extract some text from a string. And to do so there are so many sub-string excel formula, from which we will use the RIGHT, LEFT, SEARCH, LEN, FIND, ISNUMBER and IF formulas in Microsoft Excel.
To extract the excel substring from a string follow the below given steps:-
Example 1: We have a list of names in Column “A” and we need to extract the First name from the list.
Let’s take an another example to extract the sub strings from the Left
Example 2:- We have list of email ids from which we need to extra only the name which is all the text before the “@” symbol.
This means that the “@” symbol is located at the 5 position in the text string, starting from the left-most character.
To separate the name from the list by using the “Left” function along with “Search” function follow the below mentioned steps:-
Let’s take an another example to extract the sub strings from the Middle
Example 3: We have a list of Names in Column “A” and we need to pick the middle name from the list.
To pick the Middle name from the list, we will use the MID function along with the SEARCH function.
This is the way you can extract the sub string from a string by using the above mentioned formulas in Microsoft Excel.
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To extract cells which ends with substring can be handled using the =LEFT (A2, SEARCH ("", A2)-1) formula. Try again using the above formula and hope it works for stated query.
How to extract cells which have substring "" from a group of cells listed row wise