Hiding Group & Outline Symbols in Microsoft Excel 2010

In this article, we will learn about how we can hide the group and outline in Microsoft Excel 2010.

Outline: -An Outline helps to separate top level and details. It is easy to create an Outline using Auto Outline option in Microsoft Excel 2010 and 2013.

“Group”: - This is used to create an outline or groups of rows and columns automatically.

You can use the shortcut Keys (Shift+Alt+ Right) or Alt>A>G>G.

Before hiding the group and outline symbols, we will learn about how we can create the Outline and Group.

To create the Outline, follow below given steps:-

  • Open in-built marketing budget plan in Excel workbook.
  • Go to File tab, Click on New.
  • New window will appear.
  • Click on Budget in Suggested Searches.


  • Search Marketing Budget plan.
  • Choose any one template.


  • Management budget plan’s excel file will get open.
  • Select the whole page of Excel’s sheet.


  • Go to Data Tab, click on Auto outline group in the outline group.


  • We can see that groups will create as per the row, column, and the header as well.

To create the group, follow below given steps:-

  • Select the data range where we want to make the group.

Go to Data tab and click on group from the Outline group.

  • Group will get inserted. When you will click on level, selected data will get hidden, and to show the data again click on 2.

To hide the group and outline, you can press the key Ctrl+8, or

  • Go to Data tab, click on Ungroup under the Outline group.
  • From the drop down list, select clear outline.

This is the way we can hide the group and outline symbols in Microsoft Excel.


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